How Booktube and Bookstagram Made Me Love Reading Again
If you have read my blog long enough you would think that me being a creative writing major in college, that I would be reading a whole of books. This hasn't been true for the past few years. For years I have struggled with trying to get back into the flow of reading big books and books in general. Earlier this year I had discovered that my friend from high school had started her on Booktube channel. Watching it I realized that I should start one of my own.
I started to see books as not something that is a required reading from class that I got so tired of reading but as something that can be fun to review and give my opinions on how I feel about the books I read.
I started my videos in April of this year, at the most hectic time to start for a Creative Writing Major. It was almost finals and I had to do a paper, rewrite a story, and a couple of portfolios. Needless to say I actually finished them all. I think the main reason I started doing Booktube is because it gave something else to besides write continuously.
When I took an interest in booktube I realized I need to read new books. My first book that I bought for the year was Passenger by Alexandra Braken. Then I bought a few more over the summer as I became more interested. Outlander was introduced to me and I fell in love with the red-headed Scottish Jamie Fraser. So far I have only done about almost a dozen videos, and I still love working on new ones.
When it came to Instagram, I used to document interesting things in my life like school. This was meant for family members to see what was going as I had my college adventure. Recently, I have been more involved with bookstagram to help show the love that I have had for books ever since I was a little girl. I joined one of the monthly themes and I been loving it ever since. I have found as a interesting to document not only the book I'm reading, but the books on my shelves that have not been touched just yet.
From all this I also started my own bookmark shop called Fandom Bookmarks, I started the shop because I wanted to make bookmarks based on thing that I loved and read. So far I have only sold two bookmarks and I would really love to sell more. I have a bunch of designs waiting, but with the life of a college student I have barely enough money to continue creating them. My bookmarks are made to order basis. But thanks to Instagram I have been giving a lot exposure to them. And I hope to sell more in the future.
I hope you guys enjoyed this post. I just wrote this in one sitting session and that is the first time that has happened.
If your interesting in anything of things I talked about they are listed below.
Booktube Channel:
Fandom Bookmarks: