22 things before 23: Year of Metamorphosis
What I mean by the metamorphosis is this is a year of change. I’m tired of being in the shadow of the person that I was in high school. I want be who I really I am, a chic geek.1. Lose up to thirty pounds.
I know, I know; that this has been on my list for years. I really hope to get serious this year about it. I have created a more narrowed down goal.
2. Create outfit posts for Nerdy Birdie
I have many titles for outfits, even ones that will work perfectly certain dresses that I have.
3. See up to five movies in theaters.
I had this on my list last year and I got to complete this one. I hope to do the same thing again this year.
4. Read all the books I haven’t read on my book shelf.
Me being the bibliophile that I am. I have not read a lot of my books on my shelf. I thought I can make a change and do that this year.
5. Participate in NaNoWriMo.
So I started this year and I have been a little slow at writing, I had a brain fart in the middle of the month and just couldn’t continue writing my novel. I still have a lot to develop.
6. Buy three or four DVDs
Last year or I should say this year I had bought I believe three…Looper, The Hobbit an Unexpected Journey and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. I hope to buy three or four to expand my DVD collection.
7. Open Nerdy Birdie shop
I hoped to open Nerdy Birdie Shop by this month, but seeing as I don’t have the money to do that, it is currently on hold. I trying to work on a shop on storenvy, which may be possibly open in January maybe February.
8. Transfer to a University
I have been wanting to this for a while now, and I really hope that I get in. I’ve been working my butt of on everything. (including this blog and my shop)
9. Write Five Short Stories
So far I’m working on one. I hope to develop my skills as a writer more each new story that I write. I do wish I could get more, stories than I did working on my novel.
10. Get My First Tattoo
I’ve never done much exciting in my life so far. I near gotten my ears pierced, I don’t think I’d look with earrings. But I have been wanting to get a tattoo for quite some time now. Specially a Doctor Who themed one.
12. Start Running on Weekends
I really want to do this, for the moment I still have problems with my ankle since I twisted it. I still limb down the stairs. This year I take healthy turn in my life, but I start when it gets little warmer and my ankle feels better.
13. Dye my Hair
I’m starting to take a look at my hair, and see that I’m getting bored of the color. I used to dye my hair every year in high school, It’s been a few years now and driving me nuts I haven’t done it yet.
14. Update my wardrobe
I really want to empower the words ‘Geek Chic’ with in my wardrobe, I hope I’m able to earn some money soon because I have worn the same things for the past few years and everything is wearing thin. So I’d say it time for a change.
15. Get out of town for a couple of days
I did get to go out of time for a few hours earlier this month but is not enough to me. I have been wanting to make a trip somewhere and I hope that I will be able to .
16. Bake something awesome
There are some recipes that I have saved, that I really want make. If you have any suggestions, please comment!
17. Clean my bedroom, and organize it
Simple as it sounds I’m not going to say anything else.
18. Go to a midnight premiere
I have never done this, I know, I know, I don’t know what I’m missing out. Or may be I do, but I want to at least go to one.
19. Make over Nerdy Birdie
I am so excited about doing this Dec 1 still feels so far away but I still have a lot of things to do for it. I starting to change things bit by bit and testing things out.
20. Resist sugar for a Month
This will kill me, but I must try to do this no matter how hard.
21. try something different
This could almost be anything. O_O You’ll have to find out.
22. revamp my last girl of gallifrey fan comic
A few years ago I had been working on this Fan comic of Doctor Who called Last Girl of Gallifrey. I didn’t get it flying so far no matter how many times I tried to do it. Please Photoshop conflicts started getting in my way. I find myself going back to so I figured, why not continue with it? I hope to get a few pages out later this month or next year, it depends how busy I am during the Holidays.
I’ve been meaning to get this post up for quite sometime but I never quite finished the list. I’m glad I finally finished it and I hope to get things done on this blog. Along with the things on this list, I also have list of things to come for the next year. I am so excited about the blog makeover that I have put a few bits and pieces up early. I’m still trying to work around some things that I wish they would work. I also working on few pages. I have many things planned for December so stay tuned!