Book cover outfits: Fangirl and The Bone Season

10:56:00 PM Ariel Bloomfield 4 Comments

So I thought I would try something different, I want to bring more fashion on the blog. Like what did with If My Blog Was an Outfit. So I'm using book covers and creating outfits with the colors and some of what I have already read of the books.

Fangirl cover based outfit

Butterfly top / Red a line skirt / Mary jane flat / The Cambridge Satchel Company mint green handbag / Graduation jewelry

The first cover I chose is Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. I would have gone with a boyish look to be honest it's hard to choose pants with the colors that is on the color. So I went with a girlish look, but kept flat shoes with. 

The Bone Season cover based outfir

Red shirt / Feelin' In Charge Blazer / Black skinny jeans / Flat shoes / The Cambridge Satchel Company satchel handbag / Pendant necklace

The next I chose was The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon. I went with more of professional office look.  The yellow is not so bright on the cover but would stand out very well on the outfit. The compass rose has nothing to with the book, but matches with the symbol on top really well.

I hope you enjoyed this ideas for outfits based on covers. I hope to make more in the future, if you have any suggestions please leave a comment!
     All items come from Modcloth. 

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