100 Days of BGC&H Day 16: Female Villain Outfits
So I couldn't figure out female villain outfits because I had the best ones already posted here! So I will use my to favorite female villains from Batman!
Poison Ivy
Graphic shirt / Crop pants / Jeffrey Campbell flat / The Cambridge Satchel Company red purse / Flower bracelet
When I was creating this outfit I wanted to get greens that mostly complemented each other. The one thing I couldn't forget was her red hair so used that in the bag. I love this outfit for something for the summer.
Harley Quinn
When I was creating this outfit I wanted to get greens that mostly complemented each other. The one thing I couldn't forget was her red hair so used that in the bag. I love this outfit for something for the summer.
Harley Quinn
Kismet sleeveless dress / Tan tight / Black ankle booties / Tortoise sunglasses
Harley Quinn outfit was a fan favorite as well as mine. I love how everything just fell together when I created the outfit.
What female villains would you base outfits off of?
Harley Quinn outfit was a fan favorite as well as mine. I love how everything just fell together when I created the outfit.
What female villains would you base outfits off of?