Nerdy Birdie Gets a Liebster Award!

10:43:00 PM Ariel Bloomfield 0 Comments

      Like the Blogger before me, I didn't know what the Liebster Award was. Thank you The Chic Geek for nominating me. It's nice to people admire my blog. I been falling in love with blogging with each post I create.
How does a Liebster award work?
    Since I received five questions I will answer the five I have and ask five.The random facts will be taken out as well.

My Answers:

1. If you could have any superpower what would you pick and why?
  I would love to have the power to control water like katara because it is a healing element, and I would love to cool down my water on summer days.

2. What things inspire you or what do you do to feel inspired?
 I listen to music to feel inspired. When ever I get into writer's block, I throw on the Wombats or Bastille etc. Then i just write about what ever comes out of my head.

3. If you could teleport to anywhere in the world right now where would you go?

 I would teleport to London, I have always wanted to go there even when I was little. I have always wanted to walk amongst the steps my ancestors took.

4. If you could meet anyone living or dead who would you choose and why?

This is a hard one. So many people to choose. I have two (there is more but I have narrowed it down to two.) H.G Wells and  Nikola Tesla because I love science and science fiction. I would love to have a conversation about their work. I have like Tesla more than Edison.

5. What's your dream job?

My dream job is to write novels. I have many aspirations for many things since I was a child, especially archaeology. But I love to write and that is what I trying to get a degree for now. My next would be a comic book artist and book store owner.

My Nominees are: 

My Questions:

  • What do want your dream bedroom to look like?
  •  If you had the life of a fictional character who would it be and why?
  • What was your favorite cartoon growing up?
  • Who do think will win? Bigfoot or a Unicorn? how?
  • If you to travel back in time, what event would you want observe?

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