100 Days of BGC&H Days 17&18
Day 17: Favorite comic book
My favorite comic book Batgirl #35. Why it was because I like the design of Batgirl's costume that I made me interested in it. It is also the first one I bought since this issue I have been collecting more comics slowly but getting there I just need to catch up with my manga collection.I've been checking out tradeback volumes of Batgirl from the library so I can catch up. The reason I liked this comic is because I love the style of drawing. The first thing I go for in the comic the art and that has gotten my attention the most. That and the plot.
Day 18: Favorite Comic Book Artist
My Favorite Comic Book Artist is Marty LeGrow.
Her Twitter Profile Picture |
She is a talented artist and a great person to know. I have not yet met her person but through deviant art I have got know her by making fan art of one of my favorite American made manga Bizenghast.
She puts amazing detail in to her work. She is inspiration because she went to school to study comic book art called sequential art. But just check out the detail of her drawing.
Since Bizenghast she been working as a Party Princess and notes about on a tumblr blog called
How Wonderful: The story of a professional Party Princess.