100 Days of BGC&H Day 9-14
I know I have been behind all week on catching up all week. So I'm going to be combining the rest of this week in one post. Apologies for the blurry pictures, the are from my phone. I do not own a awesome phone.Day 9: 3 DIY Organization Tips
Comic book holder- I made this out of a cereal boxes. I printed out comic book pages and mod podged it on to the cut cereal box.Then I added clear varnish to it which kept it stiff. All of my comics fit into one holder because that is all I have, but I hope to buy more in the future.
Post it note chores- I put all of my chores that I need to do on to post-it notes on the door. It is a fairly easy way for me to know what I am doing.
Dollar store containers- I love buying these things and let's me keep track of the little things that are important such as flash drive, and my make up and sunglasses.
Day 10: My workspace

I normally type on my posts in the living on the couch, because it is the only way to get internet in the house. But the place that I have most of my supplies for my crafting is at my desk. I have been trying to keep my desk clean as best that I can. It's also the place I also keep a few of my figures like my dancing baby Groot funko, Sulley from Monster's University, Sci-fi rubber ducky, Rory the dinosaur, and toothless. This also place where I keep my textbooks for my classes. I also mention last week I have that one Neil Gaiman quote every where, there it is at my desk.
Day 11: It's included with day 9
Day 12: Dream item for the home
I think this would be an awesome item to have in my home.
Day 13: Spring Cleaning Tips
Vinegar, baking soda, and warm water-makes a good cleaning solution when you need to clean furniture when you don't have cleaning vacuums. This has been the best thing that I have used and it has
Day 14: Advise for staying organized
Don't lose yourself in the new items that buy incorporate them in current items your design, and donate what ever you don't need.